team code - our values

With the team code, we make our values at team neusta visible and tangible - both internally and externally. The code sets out the principles of our actions and provides a framework for collaboration within our teams and with our customers and partners.

Logo Verhaltenskodex team code von team neusta

The team code is an expression of our attitude within the digital family and the standards we set for ourselves and our work. This is reflected in the following five aspects:

#1: Creating value and acting economically

We create a framework that enables us to act economically and work to achieve the best results for ourselves and our customers. Together, we are responsible for the result. We are aware of the complexity of our projects. We strive for a balance between our own value creation and that of our customers.

#2: Acting socially

We base our actions on a positive image of humanity. We rely on direct and personal communication when working together. We support each other, are there for each other and listen to each other. That makes us strong.

#3: Understanding diversity, participation and inclusion as an opportunity

We treat each other with respect at all times. We give space to different perspectives and recognize diverse interests. We promote measures for diversity, inclusion and participation in our company. We have zero tolerance for behavior such as racism, bullying and discrimination.

#4: Being reliable

We create a framework for cooperation that enables exchange and reliability. We always act as equals - with each other and with our customers. We keep our word and act with integrity. We deal with conflicts and challenges at an early stage and in a solution-oriented manner. We maintain open and respectful communication.

#5: Enabling development

We are a company where people can develop. We believe in individual motivation, the ability to develop and self-reflection. As team neusta, we create space so that everyone can contribute their strengths and talents and consciously develop them. We use the potential of our employees to organize and change ourselves. We are prepared to constantly question ourselves, learn from our mistakes and continue to develop.

Your contact person

Wiebke Lüdemann

Public Relations
+49 421 20696-337