team neusta: Your partner for development

A warm welcome to you! We are around 1,200 digital experts and are passionate about all topics along the digital value chain. With us, you will find creative, conceptual and technical know-how from a single source. Our teams work across industries on intelligent digital solutions and applications for our customers in the DACH region. Are you looking for a technical partner or strategic content sparring? Get to know us! We will be happy to support you with our expertise from 30 years of IT experience and the performance of the entire group.

Current case

Bild vom Chatbot von Wolters Rundreisen auf der Webseite für Kundenanfragen

Customer service chatbot for Wolters Reisen

Wir entwickelten für Wolters Rundreisen einen interaktiven Kundenservice-Kanal in Form eines Chatbots auf ihrer Webseite. Die gewählte Microsoft-Architektur ermöglicht eine nahtlose Integration weiterer Anwendungsfälle in den Chatbot, um den neuen Kommunikationskanal noch besser an die Bedürfnisse der Kundschaft anzupassen.

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team neusta in figures

  • 0
    years of experience
  • 0
    % owner-managed

Concentrated knowledge in our blog

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