We are one of the best IT service providers in 2023

For the fourth time, brandeins and Statista have identified the best IT service providers in Germany.

Siegel Brand eins Beste IT-Dienstleister

A total of 288 companies are listed in the ranking. We are among the award-winning companies. With an overall recommendation of 3 out of 4 stars, we were able to place successfully and were rated in two categories: IT Consulting and Software Implementation & Maintenance.

The evaluation is based exclusively on recommendations from around 5,000 IT experts and customers of IT service providers. The online survey made it possible to obtain a comprehensive picture of the opinions of various players in the industry. The fact that we are on the list as a result of these recommendations illustrates the trust that customers and experts place in our work.

"For us, this award is confirmation of our high quality standards and the commitment of our team. We are delighted that the quality of our services is recognized and recommended by others. This spurs us on to continue offering innovative and first-class solutions," says Carsten Meyer-Heder, our Managing Partner.

More information on the ranking and the method used can be found here.

Your contact person

Wiebke Lüdemann

Public Relations
+49 421 20696-337