Solidarity with Ukraine

Our solidarity, our sympathy and our utmost concern go to the people in Ukraine and to our colleagues whose relatives and friends in Ukraine are directly affected. We condemn Putin's attack on a free and democratic country in the strongest possible terms. There is never any justification for a war of aggression. A country that helped defeat fascism in Europe has itself become the aggressor. Our firm conviction was and is that conflicts can always be resolved with words and diplomacy.

team neusta Logo in ukraine Farben

The world has been a different place since February 24 - for us too. We feel fear, indignation, anger and worry. Many things suddenly seem trivial and unimportant. But the solidarity we experience gives us hope. The courage of the brave Ukrainians is admirable in every respect. Families, friends, neighbors, people stand together and stand up for their freedom. Support, courage and solidarity - we feel particularly connected to the Ukrainian people in these values, including our own.

We are doing what little we can: team neusta has terminated its only existing business relationship with a Russian company until further notice, even though our Russian colleagues are deeply affected. We are in the process of handing over the systems to the customers as quickly as possible. The companies are currently donating to projects such as Caritas and Doctors Without Borders to enable them to continue providing aid on the ground and at the borders. Many of us have already donated privately or are still doing so. We are making this statement because we feel the need to take a clear stand for democracy and freedom.

Employees and managers of team neusta

Your contact person

Wiebke Lüdemann

Public Relations
+49 421 20696-337