Illustrierendes Imagebild mit zwei Entwicklern im Kontakt für Bereich Devopps von team neusta


The turbo boost for the IT sector

DevOps as a powerful catalyst

DevOps - the complete unity between development and operations is at the heart of a profound revolution in the IT industry. By breaking down silos, fostering collaboration, accelerating through automation and continuously improving through feedback and monitoring, DevOps is a powerful catalyst that takes IT performance to a whole new level. It helps companies to react more agilely to market changes and continuously improve the quality of products and services.

Imagebild Mann am Rechner arbeitend für Services DevOps von team neusta

DevOps solutions at team neusta

Wir unterstützen dich bei der Konzeption, der Implementierung und der Weiterentwicklung deiner individuellen DevOps-Lösung. Dabei arbeiten wir an Aspekten der Unternehmenskultur und Automatisierung sowie Plattformdesign mit dem Ziel, kontinuierlich IT-Services in hoher Qualität zu liefern. Unser gemeinsame Ziel wird mit crossfunktionalen, produktorientierten Teams erreicht. Wir sorgen dafür, dass sich der Wertschöpfungsbeitrag deines IT-Teams erhöht und die Reaktionszeit zur Umsetzung neuer Geschäftsanforderungen wird verkürzt. Dafür setzen wir moderne Tools wie Jenkins, GitLab, Prometheus und ELK ein, um deine Prozesse zu automatisieren und zu optimieren. Besonderen Wert legen wir darauf, dass unsere Lösungen skalierbar und flexibel bleiben.

Our services in the area of DevOps

Consulting and strategy

Individual concepts, strategic planning, technology assessment, innovation solutions


Process automation, scripting, automated tests, increased efficiency


Continuous integration, automated deployment, rapid deployment, consistent builds

Containerized Applications

Application containers, portability, scalability, isolation of applications

Container Orchestration

Container management, resource optimization, scaling, high availability


Development environments, cloud platforms, open source frameworks, integration

Cloud Engenieering

Cloud architecture, scalable infrastructures, resource management, data security

Site Reliability Engineering

Availability, performance, monitoring, troubleshooting

Technologies in the area of DevOps


Orchestrate your containers efficiently. Scalability, reliability and automated management - combined in a multifunctional open source application.


No more headaches about system compatibility or conflicts between applications - Docker ensures independence and seamless execution, regardless of the device.


With support for numerous service providers from AWS to GitHub, you can seamlessly manage resources in the cloud or on-premises environments.


Simple and efficient IT automation without additional installations on servers and time-consuming configuration management.


Your all-in-one tool for CI/CD, source code management and team collaboration. Develop, test and deliver software faster and more efficiently than ever before.


Kubernetes, but with additional security and automation functions. Fast development cycles and maximum security and stability.


Powerful real-time monitoring of server performance and user behavior as well as alerts for your IT environment. So you're always up to date.


Simplify the management of your Kubernetes clusters, whether on-premise or in the cloud. Maximum overview, minimum complexity.


Enable real-time data flow and processing at scale. With a variety of APIs and integration options, you can get started quickly.


Accelerate your software development with automated builds and tests. Make CI/CD the standard in your team - regardless of whether you use Java, Python, Ruby or other languages.


Reliable CI/CD tool that accelerates the software development process. High quality through continuous integration and delivery.


Powerful search, data visualization and log analysis. Collect, analyze and visualize your data in real time for insightful insights.

Request your DevOps solution now!

Get in touch with our experts:

Lars Nolte

managing director
+49 421 649127-02

Jan Osmers

managing director
+49 421 4089330-1