The VIR - Verband Internet Reisevertrieb as a guest

On October 10 and 11, we had the pleasure of welcoming VIR to Bremen. We hosted the exchange meeting, which takes place once a year.

Lars Seinschedt von team neusta vor Zuhörern beim VIR-Austauschmeeting

There was already a lot of input on the first day: among other things, the participants gained insights into the Skywise Editor app (an Airbus initiative) from our colleagues at neusta aerospace and learned about Journaway's new approach "New Wow instead of New Work". A design thinking workshop on "Data driven insights for better tourism business development" was also held with Mastercard. At the end of the day, the participants went on a tour of the Airbus plant.

The second day continued on an informative note: our colleague Michael Nisnik from neusta data intelligence started with an insight into the Chain4Travel wallet. He began by explaining what a blockchain is and how it works. He then gave an insight into the Camino Wallet, including an example of a live transaction. The day was rounded off with a status update on the KlimaLink initiative and the open discussion round "Hanjo's Legal Hour" with VIR Advisory Board member Prof. Dr. Hans-Josef Vogel. Current court rulings in tourism were discussed here.

These were two days full of exciting impulses and interesting exchanges. We are delighted to be part of this VIR network.

Your contact person

Wiebke Lüdemann

Public Relations
+49 421 20696-337