Gaia-X Hub for the aerospace industry launched

Under the leadership of Dr Caroline Lange and Arno Scheidereiter, experts from the aerospace industry have joined forces in the Gaia-X Hub Germany to drive forward the digitalization of the industry.

Illustration team neusta und Gaia X Projekt für die Luft- und Raumfahrtbranche

Experts from the aerospace industry have now joined forces at the Gaia-X Hub Germany under the leadership of Dr. Caroline Lange from the German Aerospace Center and Arno Scheidereiter, managing partner of neusta aerospace. They want to explore the possibilities of data ecosystems and improve digital collaboration in the industry. The aim of the initiative is to drive forward digitalisation in the aerospace industry. In particular, the aim is to break down existing data silos in the industry and promote the sovereign exchange of data in international high-tech projects. Specifically, research institutions, corporations, medium-sized companies and start-ups all benefit from this.

Gaia-X explained

Gaia-X is a European project that promotes the creation of a digital ecosystem of networked data spaces. The project is based on open source technologies. The idea is to build a decentralised federated system in which numerous cloud providers and data owners such as companies or organisations can network with each other in compliance with common standards. The special feature: Data sovereignty remains with the respective company that provides the data.

Advantages of Gaia-X

The security requirements in the aerospace industry are high. Many processes are still paper-based or only partially digitalised, and this needs to change. Gaia-X supports digitalisation by creating a framework that uses transparent and open technologies to share data securely while retaining sovereignty over it. The decentralised nature of the system is hugely important. This avoids dependence on a single provider, which would otherwise pose a major security risk.

Initial experience with COOPERANTS

COOPERANTS (Collaborative Processes and Services for Aeronautics and Space) – a lighthouse project at Gaia-X – has already provided initial experience with such data ecosystems. This project is the first major collaboration between industry, SMEs and leading aerospace institutes. The knowledge gained is to be made accessible and usable for the entire aerospace industry. In this way, the development of a sovereign data structure will be accelerated in order to support digital collaboration across the entire product life cycle of spacecraft and aeroplanes.

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Wiebke Lüdemann

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